It's been a funny week...I have known for a little while but didn't want to say until the cheque went in and everything was final - I have sold my beloved Lauder horse. I have been meaning to sell him for the best part of six years (yes, really!) and have only sporadically, half heartedly advertised him from time to time because I didn't really want to sell him. But now it's happened! I've been so lucky to own him for the last seven years and it's very weird not to have him now, I miss him tons.
Still, I am a very lucky lady in that every so often I will still be riding the lovely Miss Pia so I can still carry on with my most favourite of pastimes. Very lucky indeed.
Anyway, a biiig 29 project update for you today. I have been working on lots of new stuff, going out and about and generally trying to distract myself!
29 Project - Days 122 - 131...
Day 122: Tuesday 21st September - Sketching...what quality drawings I come up with at the brainstorming stage! Working on new tee designs...
Day 123: Wednesday 22nd September - More Sketching. This time the design is being sketched into photoshop so I can work on layout and colour.
Day 124: Thursday 23rd September - Can you see a pattern emerging this week?! I was glued to the computer...More print design sketching, playing with layouts and sizing.
Day 125: Friday 24th September - Grubs Up! Ah, this is good Friday evening fodder, home made ratatouille, salad, bread and beer. Yum.
Day 126: Saturday 25th September - Thai Again! Yay! A big bunch of us went and had Thai for our friend Claire's birthday. It was delicious as usual (it's my favourite, I may have mentioned this before...!)
Day 127: Sunday 26th September - View from the King Harry Ferry. Mark and I took a trip down to Falmouth to have another dinner out (Nepalese this time) for another friend, Lisa's birthday. It was such a nice evening we decided to take the ferry. When I was a kid my brother and I used to call it the King Hairy Fairy...we were hilarious.
Day 128: Monday 27th September - Jewellery Trying...and photographing and measuring and getting lots of lovely new pieces ready to go in the shop!
Day 129: Tuesday 28th September - So Long my Beloved Steed...Today was the day he went. A hard, sad day. I spent the whole week beforehand trying not to think about it and enjoying him. It's taking some time to get used to not having a four legged beast to look after everyday, I keep feeling like I have forgotten to do something major! Anyway, he's going to be teaching someone new all of his dressage moves, I hope he is a good boy...I didn't want to take any pictures of him leaving, so here we are at a competition last year:
Day 130: Wednesday 29th September - Quartz. Taking my mind off things by going to watch a dressage clinic, looking at pretty stones and conjuring new jewels...
Day 131: Thursday 30th September - Cupcakes. I don't bake much (the last time was the rainbow cake attempt!) but I had the sudden urge to so made these ginger cakes. Wonky, misshapen, and varying in size, it's baking Bonbi style!
That's it for now...The 29 project will continue with October updates very soon!