Monday 17 May 2010


On Saturday I picked my giveaway winners via the Random Number Generator and they were: 10 - Millie D and 16 - Minky Magic...all the M's! Well done you two! I have emailed both of the winners and their vests will be on their way asap...

The rest of the triangle vests will be in the shop shortly (I originally said at the weekend, but well, things got busy and I didn't have time. They will be up soon though.)

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I have been painting a lot, competing Mr Lauder (win!) and sorting wedding things. Here's one of the paintings I finished, which is available as a print HERE!

'The Stillness of Horses' Gouache on Wood.

Happy Monday to you all!


Lesley Todd said...

Love your new painting! Very gorgeous indeed! :-)

Marie said...

Ooh, that's me! I'll go check my email. How exciting!! Thanks Marie x

Millie D said...

Wow! I just recieved my vest. It is absolutely stunning. Thanks so much.