Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Underway with Autumn...

How did it get to be so far into Autumn before I posted again?! This summer has been crazy busy, so much going on and lots to show and tell. I won't try to cram it all into one bumper post but I will be posting more often with things I am making, doing, seeing and finding inspiration in. I WILL!

I thought I would start with a picture post, a round up and a quick catch up of various things from the summer. Soon I will share with you more artwork, Bonbi goodies and news of a completely different kind, but for now here's summer in a mash up of instagrams...

Printing... For the Birthday Girl End of the Road Balloons! Sleepy Clifford The Princess and the Pea Pia and Little B We won gold! New Cards Strange Strawberry Summer New Birds Purple Cuff with a Purple Sleeve New art work at trereife House Beautiful Stamps Bedroom Swallows Cold Lino Printing Jellyfish! Bonbi Forest stand at Trereife House Untitled Untitled Olympic Dressage Foggy Summer :( Little B